01.08.2023 / 17.00 - 21.00
Free entry!

Pop-Kultur lokal 2023 #3: »Saturn Research Project«

The Saturn Research Project is a pilot collaborative workshop from MAF and blk banaana situated around the nucleation of creative ideas through collaborative consumption and digestion of artwork and media. It was developed from discussions surrounding their influences and explored the connective tissues that is shared. It shall reveal how each participating person processes such connecting influences in in different ways to also inspire artistic outputs. MAF and blk banaana wanna extend this to others, purposefully inspiring Black artists living in Berlin through a consciously curated collective exchange. The Saturn Research project consists of a series of ongoing gatherings where participants will engage in collective viewing, listening, talking, dreaming, and processing through a curated archive of film, audio, sound, text, etc. This series of engagements will create an accessible and free space for expression and knowledge-making through a collectively negotiated arrangement of media as the input leading to discussions breaking down the ideas, techniques used, and context surrounding the works. The end result will be the fortification of artistic inspiration while simultaneously contributing to the development of the Black artistic community within Berlin. The initial event will take place at Project Zwitschermaschine on August 1st and will start 5pm.

Kulturpark 3000 e.V.
Potsdamer Str. 161
10783 Berlin