Linus Bade, Marie Lampe, Mathilda Quantz, Ed Greve
Friday, 1.9.2023
19:00 – 20:00, Haus für Poesie
> Tickets

»Jung & Behindert – (Was) Feiern Jugendliche mit Behinderung?« (De)

Linus Bade, Marie Lampe representing the DBSV youth group, Mathilda Quantz representing the BKMF youth group, host: Ed Greve

Growing up is an exciting phase of self-discovery and breaking free from old patterns. Pop-cultural spaces such as festivals, concerts and parties play an important role in the process of finding one’s own identity, developing and at the same time, escaping the challenges of growing up. But are these important places truly welcoming towards everyone? Unfortunately, no! Young people with disabilities still do not have full access to all areas of pop culture. Stairs to the basement club, lack of translation into sign language at concerts, technical hurdles when buying tickets, and prejudice and discrimination are among the obstacles they face, especially within nightlife. The sad reality is that the lack of accessibility is often due to political inaction. Still, young people with disabilities want to party. As part of youth culture, they need to be included and cared for. In this talk, we want to encourage disabled youth to share their perspectives and concerns. In doing so, we will also focus on the positive opportunities for participation by asking disability youth groups what they are doing and how, as well as their visions for pop culture’s future, opening up a space for empowerment and positive change.

Funded by Initiative Musik gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Linus Bade, Marie Lampe, Mathilda Quantz, Ed Greve