Thursday, 31.8.2023
18:00 – 19:00, Haus für Poesie

Pride & Performance – (Wie) Feiern Taube Menschen Musik?

Elisabeth Kaufmann, Inna Shparber, Mark Petersen, host: Wille Felix Zante; In cooperation with the Deutscher Gehörlosen-Bund (Talk in German Sign Language, for hearing people in the audience the talk will be translated).

Deaf performers who make music visible on stage through sign language – how is that supposed to work? Despite many prejudices, in recent years, Deaf performance has become an art form that’s conquered its own place in the pop-cultural limelight in Germany. Interpreters with a sense of hearing long dominated the field with »music interpreting«, euphorically celebrated by the hearing majority society but they were criticised by large parts of the Deaf community. Now it is Deaf artists taking centre stage and proudly representing an important part of their own culture.

In this talk, we will review these developments. Deaf journalist and presenter Wille Felix Zante talks to Deaf artists Inna Shparber and Mark Petersen – who are also showing their Deaf performance »four elements« at Pop-Kultur – as well as second Vice President of the German Deaf Association Elisabeth Kaufmann about their work for and with the Deaf community, about raising awareness and inspiration. Where does the potential for Deaf performers in pop culture lie? What are the difficulties? Do Deaf people embrace music, and how? And what does music mean to them?

Elisabeth Kaufmann, Inna Shparber, Mark Petersen, Wille Felix Zante

Elisabeth Kaufmann, Inna Shparber, Mark Petersen

Wille Felix Zante

Film Location
Haus für Poesie, Berlin

Film & Editing